
Sabina Passamonti , Professor at Università di Trieste-Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita

Lead Partner of Trans2Care project

Bilateral Meetings

  • 07.12.2012 Friday (3:00 - 5.00)

TRANS2CARE is a strategic project, funded by the Italy-Slovenia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013, priority 2 (Competitiveness increase and development of a knowledge-based society) ( The project duration is 01.04.2011-30.09.2014.
Trans2Care is a network of 13 institutional partners, active in chemical and biomedical education, research, health care and technology transfer (visit to find contact details):
• Lead Partner: Università degli Studi di Trieste (biochemistry, biology; nutraceuticals, anti-microbial peptides)
• Project Partner 1: Kemijski Inštitut Ljubljana (statistics, chemometrics; QSAR, molecular modelling)
• Project Partner 2: Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (neurobiology; prion disease)
• Project Partner 3: Univerza v Novi Gorici (analytical chemistry; thermal lens spectroscopy; lab-on-chip)
• Project Partner 4: Università di Ferrara (pediatrics; lactose intolerance; thalassemia)
• Project Partner 5: Treviso Tecnologia (projects and services)
• Project Partner 6: Splošna Bolnišnica Dr. Franca Derganca (cardiology, intensive care)
• Project Partner 7: Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia (biosensors; electrochemistry)
• Project Partner 8: Università di Udine (biochemistry, plant biology; anti-microbial peptides; plant secondary metabolites)
• Project Partner 9: IRCCS Burlo Garofalo (pediatrics; celiac disease)
• Project Partner 10: Zavod Republike Slovenije Za Transfuzijsko Medicino (immunology; stem cells)
• Project Partner 11: Ortopedska Bolnišnica Valdoltra (orthopaedics; nanomaterials for implants)
• Project Partner 12: Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za Vede o Zdravju (oncology, nutrition; nutrigenomics)
• Project management support: T&B Associati Srl (
Two associate partner have recently joined Trans2Care:
• ASS1, i.e. Azienda per i Servizi Sanitari (Health Care Agency) n.1 of Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia (acting according to the guidelines of W.H.O. health promoting hospitals & health services)
• LILT, i.e. Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (Italian League for the Fight against Cancer), Trieste's branch (cancer prevention)
Trans2Care partners share and integrate their expertise in research, education, healthcare and technology transfer.
Trans2Care aims at establishing a permanent, bi-directional knowledge transfer among the project partners, industry and other stakeholders, so to establish an environment generating innovative products and services for the public healthcare system. In particular, the project addresses questions about prevention, diagnosis and treatment of widespread diseases.
The most urgent societal need is to develop approaches for healthy ageing, which may be either “soft” or “hard”.
Soft approaches consist in exploiting and transferring scientific knowledge about healthy life styles to the general population, from the youth on. To this purpose, Trans2Care acts in partnership with ASS1 and LILT.
Hard approaches consist in identifying and developing innovative services and products for the healthcare system, to be developed in interaction with industry stakeholders. To this purpose, Trans2Care finds support in Enterprise Network Europe, at the level of local contact points.
Given the importance of food choices, food quality and type of diets in reducing the incidence of most common chronic human diseases, Trans2Care is focussing in strengthening and exploiting its knowledge base in the field of diet- and food-related diseases.

Country: Italy

Organization Type: Innovators

Organization Size: 26-50

Founding Year: 2011

Phone: +390405588747, +393665898629


City: Trieste 34127,via L. Giorgieri 1 Google map

Areas of Activities


    Medical appliances


      Expertise for designing and implementing complex projects

      A) Scientific and technical expertise in several areas of chemistry, biochemistry, biology and medicine (see list of project partners and visit
      B) Expertise in participating in and organizing doctoral and post-doctoral training programmes, carried out with international partners.
      C) Expertise in coordinating the submission of project proposals involving multinational partners, for realizing both research and in education-training activities.
      D) Expertise in coordinating multidisciplinary teams of scientists, connecting them to relevant stakeholders (e.g. public institutions, health services, industries).
      E) Expertise in scientific dissemination.
      F) Expertise in reporting costs and activities funded by European Structural Funds.
      G) Expertise in European Union policies and regulations.
      H) Formal co-operation agreements.


      Partners for innovative solutions in healthy ageing

      A) Scientific partners wishing to co-operate with Trans2Care to increase and strengthen the knowledge about the effects of nutraceuticals on cellular mechanisms known to be involved in the pathogenesis of cardio-vascular diseases, metabolic diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, bone diseases and cancer.
      B) Academic partners wishing to establish multi-national PhD programs, aiming at educating researchers to couple scientific excellence with managerial and entrepreneurial skills. The latter are needed for a knowledge-based economy.
      C) Any other partner (public institutions, companies, associations) wishing to give expression to scientific and organizational creativity.

      Cooperation Offered
      1. Technical co-operation
      2. Outsourcing co-operation
      Cooperation Requested
      1. Technical co-operation
      2. Outsourcing co-operation